The Golden Girls rose dorothy blanche sophia all signature shirt

ANNOUNCE!!! The Golden Girls rose dorothy blanche sophia all signature shirt is now available at KingTees Shop.

Proceed to store here: The Golden Girls rose dorothy blanche sophia all signature shirt

Mary Margaret Barlage, you are correct. I was being facetious. I was also being tongue in cheek by saying Peter Hollins has a future in the business. He already is in the business. Marj DeRosia Hamel yes we know it’s one person. The Golden Girls rose dorothy blanche sophia all signature shirt. I started out this comment way up at the top as a joke to be funny by saying the 6 (one) guys look so much alike and was obviously wording it in a way to be sarcastic. 

The Golden Girls rose dorothy blanche sophia all signature shirt

A couple of years ago when I saw a Peter Hollins video for the first time I had to do a double take cause I thought it was 3 brothers than when I looked further I realized what was happening. His name is Peter Hollins. He does this all The Golden Girls rose dorothy blanche sophia all signature shirt. He is like a Michael Winslow( the guy from Police Academy that does the sound effects with his voice).

Women's T-shirt front

You can see the official design here: The Golden Girls rose dorothy blanche sophia all signature shirt

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